Ambition of individuals to reduce heating costs in winter and ventilation in summer increases in parallel with the constant rise in energy prices. For the past 10 years, oil prices have risen by 60% and the trend is rising to continue at an accelerated pace. This situation led to the creation of a whole new generation of building materials with high-grade thermal insulation. The insulating PVC material replace aluminum in Europe as the leading standard for making windows.
Construction of new thermal insulated buildings and the renovation of old buildings generate a new problem - the formation of mold on the walls and condensation on cold surfaces in the rooms. Most often these are glazing and outer walls and a musty odor, which is felt in the room. This common problem is causing the number of cases in Europe in two directions - both by tenants to landlords to poor conditions in the used space and the owners to tenants that are not ventilated and heated room and rational thus causing damage to the building.
The factors for the occurrence of dew and mold are always complex and are generally the following:
1. Insufficient ventilation - Quality windows admit the very minimum amounts of air, walls with insulation (especially if it is internal, which is permitted in very few cases) are like the plastic casing of the room and not "breathe" most types of latex also do not allow the wall to "breathe" as well as various types of washable wallpaper. It turns out that all the water vapor remains in the room.
2. Additional sources of moisture:
o The most common repair is completed soon. To dry room after even minor repairs, it is necessary to pass at least one summer to allow moisture to return to normal.
o Drying clothes inside the house. Obviously, the water that evaporates from wet laundry, will go directly on cold surfaces - especially on the glass panes of the window.
o The large amount of pots or large aquariums also evaporate water around the clock, an additional source can be an even wash the floor with a wet rag if not ventilate after it evaporated from the ground water will remain at home to complete air exchange.
o Bath, which leaves open the door. Humidity in the bathroom after bathing is 100% if he did not take out home through the ventilation shaft, when mixed with air at normal humidity every cubic meter will be given 6.6 g water as condensation on walls or windows.
3. Incorrect or uneven heating. This problem is intensified many times in the last of the places where they stopped radiators and new heating units are located in the wrong place (right below the window). Also the inclusion of heating in the rooms only for a few hours while in use, allowing them to cool down at night to temperatures around or even below 10 degrees.
Link temperature-humidity is very important - as warmer air in a room, so at higher humidity and condensation of moisture begins and vice versa. For normal humidity in homes is considered by 40 to 60%. Rooms with humidity over 60% is considered to be wet. It is assumed that if the air temperature is room - 20-21 degrees and humidity normal, below 60%, there should be no problem condensation on windows. If the temperature is lower, dew occurs at lower humidity and warm back room not go moldy even with a humidity higher than permissible.
As can be seen, nowhere in this article does not mention the condensation on the profiles and the wings of the windows because they are very well insulated and moisture on their inner surface is observed in very rare cases and generally only in wet areas. Of all these factors the windows have a direct relationship with the former, they are "guilty" that do not allow air to enter and leave the building and stop unwanted as well as the required minimum ventilation. As the window and figuratively, and in absolute terms is the thinnest part of the building (even longer deny panels are 210 mm thick), and the windows and the most severe series are not wider than 70 mm and glazing are usually 24 mm, so usually 40% of the energy losses of the building are the windows that are about one-fifth of total th. The inner surface of the glass is where condensation occurs first, the most abundant is the most visible, so often that the rooms are damp knee-jerk blame the manufacturers of windows.
All renowned German manufacturers of window systems offer a solution to the issue of ventilation, as under various trademarks (Climamat - REHAU, KoClima plus - Koemmerling, Air Controler - Salamander, KlimaBox) lies the same principle - placed valve, which coincides minimum quantity of air, without an increase in noise and dust that permeates through the window.
In France, for several years, each window must have a ventilation valve mandatory.
As a leading manufacturer of window systems of Germany firm GEALAN (seventh in Europe in terms of tonnes produced PVC for 2005.) Offers an innovative, very simple and therefore inexpensive solution. GECCO (the acronym comes from GEalanClimaCOntrol) is a valve that can be placed on already installed PVC windows of all brands without removing the glazing or milling frame. The assembly, in which the integrity of the woodwork, takes about a minute and quite easy mechanism is screwed on top of the wing opening. Inside it has an aluminum feather standing in the open position in calm weather, but should flow only closes. On the inner side there is a small lever to the display in red, which valve may be opened and closed manually by the user.
GECCO is recommended to be placed along with windows in poorly ventilated spaces (cellars, basements, closets, attics) as well as in all areas with potential risk of sweating - especially bedrooms or those with internal insulation.
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